update 03 – December 2015

Fradley Neighbourhood Plan

The deadline for our questionnaires and competitions has now closed.

Thank you to all of you who got involved and gave your time to complete and return your questionnaire.

Many congratulations to Norma Goodburn who is the winner of the £100 prize draw.

The children’s competition has been won by 8 year old Rosie Tonks.
You can see her picture here.

Her winning entry was chosen by Revd. John Allan and his wife for its colourful depiction of several elements of why the competitor likes Fradley.

I am pleased to announce that we have received 311 questionnaires, which equates to almost 26% of the 1200 that were delivered.

While this is not up to the 500 target, it is a very good return. . . . .

This feedback is our ammunition for a compelling argument to steer the developers towards what YOU, and your children, want for THE FUTURE of YOUR village.

 We now have the very time consuming task of data entry to compile all your responses into one document.

We have applied for grant monies, available for Neighbourhood plan schemes and are also currently consulting with companies who can start putting together our official Neighbourhood Plan Document.

We still have more work to do, and will be needing your support and involvement again in the future before this project is finalized.


Any planning applications that have already been approved cannot be stopped or amended.

The Hay End Lane and Stirling Centre developments currently have outline planning permission, so they will be starting once they get full planning approval:

Hay End Lane (13/00633/OUTM)  only has outline planning permission and I don’t think they can commence until updated adequate sewage works are completed.

Also, Stirling Centre, Fradley South (10/01498/OUTMEI)  on the planning page it says that the planning is approved.
However if you look at no 58 ‘Decision Notice’  you will see that somewhere on that document it says that it is only outline planning permission.

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This document we are in the progress of creating will influence any planning applications put forward, but only after the final document is completed.

It is intended to influence any developments from its inception up to 2026.

Watch this space.

Linda Wild

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