Fradley Neighbourhood Plan
Public Meeting 7th November 2015

After our January meeting where we had 140 people attend, this was a disappointing turnout of less than 50, of which all but a few were of the “over 40” age group.
Unfortunately our meeting clashed with the Violets in Bloom craft fayre at the Village Hall, but as this event was all day we had hoped that people would come to our FNP meeting first.
We will very soon be delivering questionnaires to every house in order to get vitally important feedback from you our residents.
There is also a competition for our children, they are the future and so this affects them as much as anyone.
With a £100 prize draw entry for every completed questionnaire, we hope to to get close to 500 returned.
YOUR feedback is our ammunition for a compelling argument to steer the developers towards what YOU, and your children, want for THE FUTURE of YOUR village.
Too many people we speak to seem to feel that there is nothing to be done so why bother, BUT if you had been at our steering group meetings you would be aware that this is not the case.
We have already made a difference to some details in existing planning applications, and are continuing to put pressure on and steer things in the right direction.
But we are just a handful of people, and without ALL YOUR feedback we will not know what YOU WANT and will not have any proof. . .
So I will say it again.
YOUR feedback is our ammunition for a compelling argument to steer the developers towards what YOU, and your children, want for THE FUTURE of YOUR village.
These are currently at the printers and we hope to deliver them by 20th November Latest.
If you do not get one by then, or if you need an extra copy download one here.
Fill it in – hassle you neighbours – and together lets make a difference.
Linda Wild